"Do Unto Others . . . . . "

The year comes to a close with the celebration of Christmas, and we stand on the threshold of a New Year. While corporate worlds realize that the technical systems are changing rapidly, the system that maintain our social behaviors has evolved very little in 2000 years. We get what we want out of life only by working with and through others. To maintain a true perspective of life, I offer these precious thoughts for you to ponder during this Christmas Season and the New Year. Happy Holy Holidays!

1. To have a friend you must be a friend, starting with yourself.
2. The greatest hunger a person has is to be needed. Help create that feeling in others.
3. The greatest virtue is kindness.
4. You can't like everyone, but you can be kind to them.
5. Don't try to impress others. Let them have the fun of impressing you.
6. Be enthusiastic. Nothing of consequence has ever been achieved without enthusiasm.
7. Be positive. Positive people attract others, while negative people repel.
8. You have greater impact on others by the way you listen than by the way you talk.
9. Gossip cheapens the one who gossips more than the one who is gossiped about.
10. Call a person by his or her name. Try to use it often conversing with them.
11. Communicate cheerfulness.
12. Differences are bound to occur but can be resolved if conflict is managed in a polite manner.
13. If you are given to making fun of someone, be sure to start with of yourself.
14. Be genuinely interested in others. Get them to talk about themselves.
15. A smile doesn't cost anything but pays big dividends. Not only does it make you feel good, but it makes everyone else feel better too.
16. Be the first to say, "Hello! Good to see you."
17. "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." The Golden Rule is where it all begins and ends.

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