Presider 1: (Sign of the Cross / Welcome Greeting.)
We are gathered together as Gods children. Let us remember that our Eternal Creator is full of gentleness, compassion, and has perfect love for each of us. Our Eternal Creator knows who we are, as we truly are and not as we think we are. Our Eternal Creator renews our strength so we can do good and never forgives our every fault.

Presider 2:  Eternal Lord, your Spirit lives in each of us. Cleanse us from all that isn't of your Divine Love. Help us to console each other and to remind us that we live in your forgiveness and sacred peace. May
your Spirit fill us with your Sacred Presence as we desire to be totally one with you. Move us from all that is harmful as we choose to remain faithful to your Gospel. We humbly pray in the  name of Jesus Christ Our Lord. Amen.

Reader 1:  Please listen attentively to The Gospel of Luke. They arrested Jesus and took him away into the house of the High Priest; and Peter followed at a distance. A fire had been lit at the center of the courtyard, and Peter joined with those who were sitting around it. When one of the servant girls saw him sitting there at the fire, she looked straight at him and said, "This man too was with Jesus!"  But Peter denied it, saying, "Woman, I don't even know him."
Presider 1: {Talk a little about how important our reputation is to us.)
We fear looking bad to our friends and family. So we will do anything to protect ourselves - even denying the things we most believe in.

Reader 2:  After a little while a man noticed Peter and said, "You are one of them too!"  But Peter answered, "Man, I am not!"  And about an hour later another man insisted strongly, "There isn't any
doubt that this man was with Jesus, because he is also a Galilean!"  But Peter shouted, "Man, I don't know what you are talking about!"

Presider 2: The other reason we don't want to admit our wrong doings is perhaps we are afraid of being rejected and therefore unwilling to face what we fear. This fear acknowledges insecurity and our need to be all the more one with the Lord. It means we must trust in Jesus Way, His Truth and His Light. It means resolving conflict within ourselves and help to resolve conflict in others - to restore our own fullness of life
beyond the boundaries and limits we hold onto. When we embrace the Divine Presence of God within us as Jesus taught us to do, we are able to experience the magnitude of God's love and support.

Reader 3:  John's Gospel tells us that after Jesus' resurrection, he appeared many times to his followers and to the apostles. One of those times was on the shore beside the Sea of Gallilee. He sat with them to
eat some fish and bread. Afterwards, he talked to Peter and gave Peter a chance to show Jesus he was sorry to deny him three times that he loved him very much. He said:

"Simon Peter, son of John, do you love me more than these others?"

Peter answered, "Yes, Lord, you know that I love you."

Jesus said, "Then take care of my lambs." 

A second time Jesus said to him, "Simon Peter, son of John, do you love me?"

Peter answered, "Yes, Lord, you know that I do."

Jesus said to him. "Take care of my sheep."

A third time Jesus said, "Simon Peter, son of John, do you love me?"

Peter became sad because Jesus had asked him a third time and so he said to Him, "Lord, you know everything; you know that I love you!"

Then Jesus said to him, "Follow me."

This is the Gospel, the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Presider 1:  Jesus commands us to love our Eternal Father and to love each other: We express our love most to God by expressing and caring for each other. Helping people when they need love and support. For the times we have put our our own sense of importance before others, we pray.

All:  Mold us and fashion us after Your Will.

Presider 1: Jesus invited us is to follow Him. To live a life devoted to Our Eternal Father by being devoted to each other. For the times we have not been sincerely dedicated and concerned for others, we pray:

All: Mold us and fashion us after Your Will .  For the times we have violated others and been abusive, we pray:

All: Mold us and fashion us after Your Will. For the times we have chosen not to defend our own sacredness or denied upholding the sacredness in our parents, our teachers, or the love of our family and global community, we pray:

All: Mold us and fashion us after Your Will.  For the times when we contribute to negative gossip forming character assasination of others, we pray:

All: Mold us and make us after Your Will.

Presider 1: Let us confess our uneasiness and pray for healing that our faith may restore our body, mind and spirit into oneness with Our Eternal Creators sacred peace: I confess my sins to you  Amighty God, please forgive me. Confidently, let us pray to our Creator as Christ has taught us: Our Father . . .
Eternal Creator, source of all life and goodness, teach us to remember our completeness is always found in being devoted to You.  You are our source of refuge, our source of forgiveness, and blessings. While we
wait for Easter to draw near, fulfill comforting us in our baptism where we were made one with Christ. Challenge us to move forward in this new way life so we may accomplish all conflicts which come our way. Teach us with Your Holy Spirit that we are your temples and instruments of your Divine peace. We firmly resolve to forgive ourselves and each other in the way you unconditional forgive us. We thank you for this sacred opportunity to amend our ways and to be restored to your sacred peace. Our love is now renewed and made complete through the grace of our sacred brother and friend Jesus Christ. Amen. The grace and peace of Our Lord Jesus Christ be always with you. Let us now exhange one to another, Christ peace.

Reader 3: (Introduces the priests and shows where they will be in the Church.)

Soft music may be played while celebrating peace.

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